Homemade or store-bought, many basic cleaning agents like white vinegar, bleach, or soap work well for odd jobs around your home.  However, if you’re looking for an eco-safe cleaner that’s made for every job, every day and everywhere. Or a sanitiser that can instantly banish germs and bacteria, you’re going to need something more advanced.

Here’s why the H2O e3™ Cleaning System is more effective than traditional cleaning methods and miles ahead of other cleaners.

Better than just water

H2O Steam Mops

Cleaning with hot water will do a decent job of rinsing away dirt. What it won’t do is kills bacteria. Even boiling water will cool down too quickly when it hits the surface to properly sanitise it. By contrast, Electrolysed S-Water™ is scientifically proven to kill 99.9% of germs, bacteria & viruses, including E.coli, Salmonella, H1N1 & Influenza.

Better than salt-water

H2O e3™ Cleaning System - Cleaner, Sanitiser, Deodoriser, Disinfectant - Effective, Economical, Eco-Safe - Electrolysed S-Water™ - NaOH, HClO, HOCl - Hypochlorous Acid, Sodium Hydroxide - Electrolyzed Water - Oxidising

Salt-water makes a reasonable cleaning solution. Because it’s slightly abrasive it’s not bad for scrubbing. Plus, it’s hygienic and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. But what we’ve found is that it’s even more effective is you take salt-water and electrolyze it. Put simply, when you pass a low-level electricity through salt-water, it creates two powerful oxidants (ClO- & HClO), which are tougher on stains and kill more germs than salt-water alone.

Better than vinegar

H2O e3™ Cleaning System - Cleaner, Sanitiser, Deodoriser, Disinfectant - Effective, Economical, Eco-Safe - Electrolysed S-Water™ - NaOH, HClO, HOCl - Hypochlorous Acid, Sodium Hydroxide - Electrolyzed Water - Oxidising

As an acid, vinegar can be used as a mild degreaser. It’s also useful for neutralising odours, too. The problem is that it often leaves a pungent odour behind, and this can be quite overpowering if you use it all around your home. Plus, you have to buy it in bulk, which can be expensive. Electrolysed S-Water™ is created using tap water, table salt and a tiny amount of electricity. So, not only is it very cost-effective, it does an even better job of cleaning, sanitising and deodorising than vinegar – with no nasty smells.

Better than bleach

The H2O e3 Cleaning System - Effective, Economical & Eco-Friendly for Every Job, Every Day & Everywhere

Bleach is an effective disinfectant for around the home – but it comes at a cost. Firstly, bleach is a dangerous substance that causes skin irritation if handled incorrectly. When you mix it with hot water it gives off toxic fumes, which can cause breathing problems. Plus, it can cause surfaces to discolour and fade. None of this is the case with Electrolysed S-Water™. While it does just as good a job of cleaning and disinfecting your home, it contains no harsh chemicals and totally safe for anyone to use.

Better than soap

H2O e3™ Cleaning System - Cleaner, Sanitiser, Deodoriser, Disinfectant - Effective, Economical, Eco-Safe - Electrolysed S-Water™ - NaOH, HClO, HOCl - Hypochlorous Acid, Sodium Hydroxide - Electrolyzed Water - Oxidising

While soapy water is good for cleaning greasy surfaces, it does have its drawbacks. For one thing, many household cleaning soaps contain harmful chemicals – just read the ingredients on the back of the bottle. Then there’s the residue they leave behind. You can’t leave soapy water to dry after you’ve cleaned with it. You have to rinse thoroughly, often more than once, or it will leave a soap scum behind. But with Electrolysed S-Water™, you can clean, sanitise and deodorise your home in one go – no re-rinsing needed.

e3 Cleaning System

There are many more benefits of the H2O e3™ Cleaning System. Whether it’s the fantastic range of innovative features, including the eMop and eSqueegee – or the fact you can use it on-the-go with its mini eSprayers.

 Discover more about Electrolysed S-Water™ and the super sanitising powers of the H2O e3™ Cleaning System here.